Qshark Is Open During COVID-19 outbreak.

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Author: Vlad Kandybovich

Meet Vlad Kandybovich, your friendly moving expert with over 10 years in the game! As the heart and soul behind QShark Moving Company, he has been a part of more than 50,000 moving journeys, helping individuals like you make smooth and stress-free transitions. Vlad is not just about the business; he genuinely cares about making each move a happy memory. So, when you are looking for advice or a tip on your next move, know that Vlads wisdom comes with a big dose of care and friendship. Happy moving!

This is a difficult moment for the world and our hearts go out to all those affected by the outbreak of COVID-19. During this crisis, the safety of our global community is our top priority.

At Qshark, we are taking precautionary measures to do our part in reducing the spread of COVID-19. Following recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the World Health Organization (WHO), we have implemented increased cleaning and sanitizing procedures at our facilities, trucks, and equipment.

We will continue to operate with your safety and well-being in mind and provide the highest quality of service.

Looking for a moving service in your area? Well, Qshark is open for moving service near you, and we look forward to working with you!
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